Max/MSP is a visual programming language for music and multimedia developed by Cycling ‘74. Max includes an extensive volume of objects with a multitude of different functions that all have the ability to be interconnected with one another. In Max, ‘information flows (in the form of numbers, digital signals, or other kinds of data) from one object to the next’ (Cipriani and Giri, 2009, p.51). My synthesiser consists of a myriad of objects that all interconnect with one another to forge what is referred to as a patch. This is ‘a reference to the old world of analog modular synthesizers that were programmed using physical cable connections called patch chords’ (Cipriani and Giri, 2001, p.52).
To a great degree, my research for the project consisted of YouTube videos, Max help files, Max documentation (Cycling ‘74, 2023) and the Cycling ‘74 forum. Additionally, I looked at books and theoretical videos to consolidate my knowledge of the kinds of synthesis I wanted to apply in my patch.
Another key point of research I pursued was the discovery of pre-existing Max for Live devices. Two of the most notable are MaxForCats (Sonic Bloom, 2023) and Fors (2023) audio and synthesiser devices. These devices have straightforward and polished interfaces that I took inspiration from for my synthesiser’s user interface. These examples are both commercially available and therefore optimal influences upon my device.
A potential avenue I explored to employ into the patch was drum synthesis. I viewed tutorials by Tune4Media (2019) and took inspiration from noiseroid (2020) patches. However, I felt it would not be suitable for my device for two reasons. First, as the synthesiser developed from having different modes of synthesis you could change between into different modes of synthesis all being able to work together easily, I felt that drum synthesis didn’t fit into this new design. Secondly, the synthesiser includes a great number of elements already and therefore it already has a relatively high processor usage and inclusion of drum synthesis would be likely to further increase this. I have included the rough patches of different drum synthesis I have developed in the extras on the downloads page.